
Reducing traffic deaths and accidents

Traffic deaths in the District are at their highest number in 15 years.

Columbia Heights is a hot spot for bicyclist accidents according to MPD and DDOT data. These accidents can be traumatic, life-altering and at worst, deadly. I will work with DDOT and residents to identify the best ways to make our ANC safe and accessible to all residents.

As your ANC, I’ve advocated for common-sense changes that save lives including:

This data visualization from Tom Fish compiles the frequency and density of crashes involving at least one bicycle and automobile across the District

Supporting Equitable and Transparent Criminal Justice Policies

Everyone should feel safe in their community. DC needs a comprehensive criminal justice strategy that protects residents and provides services - like mental health units - that seek to prevent rather than merely respond to crime. I am still advocating for the District to commit to the objectives in it’s Gun Violence Prevention Strategy. Here’s what I’ve done on criminal justice issues:

  • I testified twice to the DC Council about our neighborhood’s concerns about retail theft and in response to Secure DC, the Council’s public safety legislation, and Mayor Bowser’s ACT NOW legislation.

  • I introduced a resolution requesting the House Oversight Committee hold the US Attorney’s Office accountable for not prosecuting enough criminal cases in DC. This resolution passed unanimously.

  • Advocated for more funding of business beat officers on 14th Street NW to keep our local businesses safe.

  • Mayor Bowser appointed me to her Juvenile Justice Advisory Group, where residents and experts advise her administration on issues like curbing school truancy rates and providing adequate services to the District's youth 

  • I organized a Public Safety Summit with MPD, the Department of Behavioral Health, and the Office of the Attorney General so our residents could ask direct questions about the city's strategy to curb crime.

  • I was appointed to the State Crisis Intervention Program, where I will help advise which DC programs should receive up to 2 million dollars in funds to combat crime in the District

Cleaning Our Streets and Connecting with Residents

  • I successfully advocated for more funding for the Department of Public Works so they can provide more consistent trash pick-up in our area. Our Commission requested this funding in our budget letter to Councilmember Nadeau and she delivered with an additional DPW team in our area. 

  • I testified to the DC Council about deficient trash collection services in our area.

  • I organized a “rat walk” with the Department of Public Works to identify rat burrows, place traps, and inform neighbors about how they can prevent rats from proliferating.

  • I knocked on the doors of each of my residents who have lead pipes and informed them of how they can get them replaced through DC Water's Lead Free DC program.

  • I joined the Harriet Tubman Elementary School Improvement Team this summer so I can support and monitor the renovation of our local elementary school